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Пользователь Tristan

Пол: Мужской
На сайте с: 01.03.2009
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Отзывы и комментарии (7)

Анкета "Вероника"
01.03/09 Tristan
Would you be willing to work in the UK for a few months? You can charge 200 euros per hour. Contact me at [email protected] if you're interested.
Анкета "Мargo"
01.03/09 Tristan
Would you be willing to work in the UK for a few months? You can charge 200 euros per hour. Contact me at [email protected] if you're interested.
Анкета "Камилла"
01.03/09 Tristan
Hi. I'm starting an escort agency in the UK and you would be perfect for it. Would you be willing to relocate to the UK for a few months? Accommodation will be provided and you would charge 200 euros per hour. [email protected]
Анкета "Марина"
01.03/09 Tristan
Would you be willing to come to the UK for a few months to work for my new agency? Email me at [email protected] for more details.
Анкета "Настя"
01.03/09 Tristan
Hi. Can you come to work in England for a few months? My agency will pay 2000 euros a month and provide free accommodation. You can contact me at [email protected]
Анкета "Яна"
02.03/09 Tristan
Hi Yana. Would you be willing to come to England for a few months to work at my escort agency. Accommodation is free and you would earn $150 per hour. If you are not able to come here, can you put me in contact with someone who may be able to help me?

Please reply, even if it's just to say you can't help.

[email protected]
Анкета "Мелиса"
02.03/09 Tristan
Hi babe. Would you like the opportunity to work in England for a few months? Excellent rates and free accommodation. Do you know anyone who might be able to come? Please contact me a [email protected]
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